Dr. Joseph Miner has worked tirelessly to improve the health of residents of Utah County. Because of his efforts, in 1988 the W.I.C. Program was finally placed under the umbrella of the Utah County Health Department after significant political opposition had been overcome. Under his leadership the program was greatly strengthened and expanded. Service facilities were modernized. Clinics were expanded to Payson and American Fork.
Dr. Miner brought to Utah County the Baby Your Baby @ program because of a concern about infant/neonatal mortality. The BYB program has been extremely successful, serving its 10,000th client in 1996.
As a result of Dr. Miner's efforts, medical support for the Children's Justice Center was initiated and continued. This service has proven to be vital to those children who are victims of sexual abuse.
Dr. Miner has been instrumental in establishing a community health organization called A Healthy Utah Valley @. A focus of this organization is to increase the numbers of children completely immunized by age two. The program includes the awarding of incentives and prizes for fully immunized children. Dr. Miner coordinated the entire effort with Healthy Utah Valley and Health Department staff.
Dr. Miner has actively pursued legislation and funding for programs supporting maternal and child health. He was instrumental in obtaining funding for second MMR vaccinations for secondary school students, allowing students to receive this protection at a minimal cost.
Dr. Miner has worked with Health Clinics of Utah (Provo) since our inception more than 15 years ago.